Archives for the month of: March, 2013

The E-BASS25 blog serves as an archive of the project, running from July 2012 until March 2013, until the final project output, a decision-making toolkit, is available via the JISC website.


We’ve collected some of the key posts below, but please feel free to browse the blog posts for further insights into the project.

Agendas and minutes of all project board and team meetings have been collected here.

The final report is now available at:
Benefits Challenges

E-BASS25 has produced a case study looking at the Orbis Cascade Alliance‘s experiences of procuring e-books as a consortium. The Case study is now available:

Orbis Cascade Case Study

We are pleased to announce that the final copies of a number of the E-BASS25 reports are now available to download from this blog. These include:

Systems Integration Guidelines Report WP6

Procurement Guidelines EBASS 25 version 9 – FINAL VERSION (3)

Report on the Nature of Library Consortia The Nature of Library Consortia