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The E-BASS25 blog serves as an archive of the project, running from July 2012 until March 2013, until the final project output, a decision-making toolkit, is available via the JISC website.


We’ve collected some of the key posts below, but please feel free to browse the blog posts for further insights into the project.

Agendas and minutes of all project board and team meetings have been collected here.

After its world premiere at the E-BASS25 end of project briefing event, I’m pleased to announce the the final version of the E-BASS25 video is now live on YouTube.



Creative Commons License
E-BASS25 Patron-Driven Acquisition (PDA) e-book purchasing models by E-BASS25 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Many, many thanks to Anna Grigson, David Kay, Dominic Tate and

NB. The URL at the end of this video is not live as yet, as the toolkit is still in production. The blog will be updated with details, so please do keep following.

– Kim Coles, Project Officer

The end of project briefing took place yesterday, Monday 18th February at Birkbeck, University of London. The event was well-attended, and the project team would like to thank all attendees for their contributions.


Building on feedback from the mid-­‐project workshop in November, the principal partners (Royal Holloway, University of London; Kingston University; the Science Museum; JISC Collections) have combined desk research and conversations (directly involving publishers and other supply chain actors) in order to

• Scope the current e-­book acquisition landscape, both for individual collections and for consortia
• Understand the constraints and inhibitors at play in terms of cost, collection development, management systems and user experience • Categorise the strengths and weaknesses of the key models
• Identify approaches where M25 may assist groups of members to maximize benefits

This briefing is therefore an opportunity to access practical advice that will be of use all libraries, museums, archive and galleries for whom e-book access is important.

Agenda and Presentations

EBASS25 briefing event agenda

PDA Models presentation, Owen Stephens

EBASS25 Survey Highlights, David Kay

EBASS25 Publishers, JISC Collections

EBASS25 Systems, Helen Guile

EBASS25 Final Event John Tuck, John Tuck